Sunday, February 28, 2010

Day 63: Tsunami Survivor.

What a WEEK.

It really hasn't been my week. Like, at all. It's okay tho. I've come to terms with it.

Thursday night I went to our final home basketball game which was so fun. We won, of course. After that, I went to Hawaiian Club to practice our routine for Culture night, which is this weekend. Culture night is where all of the clubs perform a dance routine. So at practice, I always put my stuff down along with everyone else because I don't like holding my phone when I dance. We always take off our shoes too, because that's what you do in Hawaii. So against the wall, I had my shoes, phone, and a piece of paper covering my phone on top of my shoes. This was around 9:30. We finished around 11, and when I went to get my stuff, my phone was gone. I looked all over for it, but it was no where to be found. My friend called it and it went straight to voicemail. Needless to say, this person knew what they were doing. They purposely turned off my phone and I'm sure I will never see it again. I reported it to the cops, I told the Hawaiian Club Presidency, and pretty much the whole campus knows. I have someone new coming up to me every day asking if I've found my phone. People here are so nice. And if taking my phone wasn't bad enough, my id card was with it. So they know exactly who I am. Friday I got my new id card, and checked to see if my phone was turned in. Can I just say it SUCKS not having a phone!!!! Seriously. It is my whole world. It's my alarm, my contact to the outside world, it has all of my music, pictures, email, gah. Pretty much my entire life is in that phone. It's an iPhone too, which I miss more and more every day. It's okay tho. I feel at peace with it. I was going to go into town Saturday to go get my new phone, which is the newest iPhone. I can't wait for it.

02/27/10. Tsunami day. I was woken up at 5:00 am by my roommate. Since I didn't have an alarm, I was thinking that it was time for me and my friends to go into town to get my new phone. This is basically how the conversation went, and remember, it was 5 in the morning. I had just woken up. And I am NOT a morning person.

"Hey Lindsay."
"There was an earthquake in Chile!!"
"What?... So?"
"There is a Tsunami coming!"
"WHAT? What time is it?"
"It's 5. Pack up your valuables. We are meeting in the lounge at 6 to find out more information."
"Wait. What?"

Basically I spent the next few hours packing up everything I needed to take with me and putting everything else up as high up as I could. Since I live on the ground floor, there was a good chance that my room would be flooded. I was so tired I could barely understand what was going around me. I was in a daze while I was packing and changing every 10 minutes realizing that I should bring something else with me instead of what I was wearing. We then went to breakfast and sacked a lunch and then headed towards a hill behind the temple to watch. We sat there for hours, wondering when it was going to come. It was suppose to hit around 11, but nothing was happening. We eventually left, and then found out half an hour later that the warning had been lifted. We were very lucky that nothing had happened. I'm grateful for my family and friends who were trying to get in contact with me to see if I was okay because they had heard about the tsunami warnings on the mainland. It's good to know that I'm still thought of from my old friends even though we aren't in touch all the time.

Yesterday was such an intense day, but I am so glad that nothing happened. I don't know what I would have done if my bed was soaking wet so I could not sleep in it or if anything of mine had been seriously destroyed. I was a little upset that it was kind of a wasted day. I easily could have went into town to get my new phone, but I'm grateful that I am safe along with all of my friends, and I'm getting my new phone this week. I've gotta say, this week has taught me a lot. It's taught me who my real friends are and to be more patient. It's taught me that I am very lucky, and I need to appreciate everything in my life. The saying really is true, you don't know what you've got until it's gone.

listening to: David Cook- Come Back To Me.