My last week in Hawaii was good. My dad came to pick me up and I'm so grateful for the friendships I had made that term. I know that if I didn't stay Spring, I would have missed out on some great people, and I would not have strengthened friendships with those I did not know as well winter semester. It's interesting to see how I met certain people winter semester, but we didn't become great friends until spring term. It has taught me that I need to give everyone an equal opportunity to get to know, because I don't know who can be an awesome friend in the future. Okay enough with that...
My Dad and I getting a shave ice at Matsumotos. I'm not sure why my eyes are that big...

I flew my first red eye home. I left Honolulu at 9 at night and arrived home at 7 in the morning. The person I sat by on the plane was actually a girl in my comm class winter semester. crazy huh. anyway, I slept a little on the plane, but not as much as I had hoped. I came home and slept for a few more hours and then woke up and caught up with my family. I must say, a 4 hour difference is a BIG DEAL. I had been living that time since the end of December, and it sucked adjusting to the new time difference. It took me a good week to get back on track.
My first week home I got caught up on movies I had missed, shopped for a whole new wardrobe, and saw my family. My cousins came over for the weekend and I told them about my adventures in Hawaii. They both went to school and graduated from there so it was good to talk to someone who knows the area.
Later that week, my sister and I went to a book signing for David Archuleta. David is probably one of my all time favorite people. He's so sweet and whenever I see him, I can't help but smile. It was awesome to meet him in person and I am still in love with him. ah if only we were friends in real life.
My family and I went to California the week after. We spent a day in Disneyland, and then we went to Venice, Seal, Huntington, and Newport Beach, LA, Hollywood, and all around SoCal the rest of the time. We ate at Pinks, which was divine, and a really good crepe place. The French guy in there was totally hilarious and I would go back right now for his crepes. My last day at Seal Beach, I found a place where they sell acai bowls. It was so good I wish I had found it sooner so I could have eaten more bowls. Acai bowls are probably my favorite thing in this WORLD to eat. I love California and I am so happy I was able to vaca there in between school.
Monday morning, I woke up in California with my ear clogged. I was flying home that night, but I thought it would have popped by the time I got on the plane. I flew home with it still clogged and an outrageous woman 2 rows behind me laughing every 2 seconds. Literally. I was so uncomfortable the entire flight. For a whole week, my ear remained clogged and one night it hurt so bad, I stayed up until 5:30 in the morning crying because I was in so much pain. It was the worst ear infection I have ever had. I went in the following Monday and had my ear cleaned out. It was the weirdest, yet best thing ever. It helped me appreciate my hearing. It was one nasty ear infection and I hope that I NEVER have to go through that again. I cringe just thinking back on that week.
I started working the following week. I work for my dad, and have been for the past 3 summers. It's nice being able to come home and have a job already lined up for me.
The last thing that has happened this past month is that my grandparents are home from their mission! They came home a week ago from Seoul Korea. We had a big family reunion that weekend and I am so proud that they went out on their mission. It was awesome seeing them again along with my aunts, uncles, and cousins. I haven't seen everyone together in a long time, and it was fun having everyone together again. We all got together again on the 4th of July and I went to Stadium of Fire with my mama. Carrie Underwood was performing and it was an awesome concert.
Well, that was my month!! Hope your summer is just as eventful!
listening to: Kelly Clarkson- All I Ever Wanted.
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