Monday, August 23, 2010

Day 9: A Song That I Can Dance To.

mmmk. so I love to dance. it's one of my favorite things. just like so you think you can dance is one of my favorite shows. I'm going to list 3 of my favorite dance songs.

1. Cascada- Everytime We Touch. BEST DANCE SONG EVER. Actually, any Cascada song is the best song to dance to. But this one has to be my favorite. It's so catchy and I have a lot of good memories that go along with this song. This has been my favorite dance song ever since it came out. loooove it.

Cascada-Everytime We Touch.

2. Flo Rida ft. David Guetta- Club Can't Handle Me. This is my favorite recent dance song. The first time I heard it, I fell in love with it. Also, it is in my favorite dance movie Step Up 3D. It has a great beat, and just makes me want to daaaaance.

Flo Rida ft. David Guetta-Club Can't Handle Me.

3. Coldplay-Fix You. The contemporary dancer in me would choose this song to dance to. If I was on SYTYCD, I would love to do a contemporary dance to this song. I always wanted to, and this season Robert totally danced it for me. asdfjkl; AND if I was dancing for my life on the show, this is the song I would choose to dance to. It's kind of my goal to dance to this song one day. I can totally picture myself doing that. I'll do 2 videos for this one, the music video, and the SYTYCD version.

Coldplay-Fix You.

listening to: The Ting Tings- Great DJ.