alright. so first my week started out with my roommate and I going to the beach and then seeing the temple lit up at night. since they are rededicating the Laie temple, the temple hasn't been lit up and I kind of hated it. I love seeing the temple lit up at night. it freaks me out when the temple is not lit up. anyway, we just walked around the grounds and it was really peaceful. I haven't been around the temple for a while and it was nice just walking around. especially on a night in Hawaii.
next was HAUNTED LAGOON!!!! ah. I've been DYING to go all semester. pretty much the pcc changes into the Haunted Lagoon as they tell the story of the Laie woman and her son. We went around in a canoe and people like come out of the water and touch you while you're going around. It was a lot of fun. We did wait in line for a couple hours, but I still enjoyed it. I love Halloween so much.
omg friday was just so much fun. next was waimea. so waimea has a rock that everyone jumps off of. I haven't jumped off of it yet, so I figured that day was a good day to jump. the waves were HUGE tho. there were signs up saying "if in doubt, don't go out." let's just say I should have gone in a little sooner than I did. So as soon as we got there, we jumped off the rock. I was SOOOO SCARED!!!!! ah. I HATE heights to begin with. The worst part of being on top of the rock is right before you jump. 2 of my friends had already jumped and were calling me to come in. I finally just jumped. So worth it. I'm so glad I did it!
We all decided to jump again. So I went again. Big mistake. Pretty much the waves were really really big. I was staring down and I got really scared again. Some strangers on top of the rock said they would count me down. I remember hearing "1! 2!" and I jumped on 3. I got down and I was totally fine, but when I came up for air, a huge wave came and totally crashed down on me. All I remember was seeing water and hoping I was able to come back up for air. The wave washed me to shore, and when I came up I realized my top was down to my bellybutton. I pretty much flashed everyone at waimea that day. I realized and pulled it up when ANOTHER wave came and crashed me AGAIN. I was thrown into the sand and I started getting swept towards the rock. I honestly thought I was going to get hurt. I didn't care if my boobs were still showing, I HAD to get out of the water before I died. I came out and I had this perv old man smiling at me. He totally saw my boobs. gross. Anyway, I had sand EVERYWHERE and I was in a lot of pain. I went over to my friends and they all were like
"what happened to you?!"
"I got punched in da face!"
pretty much I was pounded that day and I have a fatty bruised arm because of it. anyway, I went into the water and just pulled out all the sand from my top and bottom. I then laid on the beach for the rest of the time we were there. after waimea, we went to Haliewa and got some shave ice from good ole matsumotos. it was DIVINE. and the best part was that there was NO LINE. You always have to wait, but we just hit it at a good time and took a lot of pictures.
after that we went to sunset beach and took beach pictures. it was pretty amazing. waimea and sunset are probably my 2 favorite beaches. it was a perfect beach day.
later that night I had to film the concert rebel souljahz. they are this reggae band and I interviewed them at the end. pretty cool.
SATURDAY me and my friend emily went into town to get manapua. let's just say we were lost most of the day. it took us forever to find this place. but it was a pretty amazing adventure. I got the pork and curry chicken one. it was really good! but getting there was certainly a pain. an excellent story tho:)
today. i'm really happy. GOD DOES ANSWER PRAYERS:)
happy 10/10/10!! even tho I missed 10:10 so I didn't get a powerful wish today... ohhh well. today was a good day with or without the wish.
listening to: we shot the moon-the bright side.
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