friday i saw harry potter. let me express my love for harry. i absolutely love him. i basically grew up with those books. i started reading them when i was 11, and now being 21, i still get excited for the next movie to come out just like i was excited for the next book to come out. if you didn't already know i was a nerd, this is proof right here that i totally am.
the movie was well done. truth be told, i don't remember the 7th book that well. i read it soooo fast because i didn't want it to be ruined for me. and i haven't re read it since. soooo basically i went into this movie not really knowing what to expect. as the movie went on, i slowly remembered certain parts that were part of the book. but most of it was a surprise to me. there were some awkward parts, but i laughed a whole lot. it's harry potter after all.
that night i went to the polynesian cultural center to watch ha: breath of life night show. the prophet was going to it, so i figured i should too, even tho i have seen this show at least 3 times already. but it's super good and i don't mind seeing it more than once. at the end of the show, the performers sang teach me to walk in the light to him. as he was walking out, he walked right past me. he was so close i could have touched him if i wanted to. it was awesome. i have already met president monson before, so i felt that i should give others an opportunity to do so as well instead of going up to him. i just wanted to see him. president eyring was there as well. the reason why they are here is to rededicate the laie hawaii temple.
saturday i spent all day at the beach. it was so HOT. the weather seriously has been so perfect ever since the prophet arrived here thursday night. coincidence? i think not.
today was the dedication. it's amazing the spirit you can feel when a temple is being dedicated. this is the third dedication i have been to in my life. the entire time i've been in hawaii, the temple has been closed. now that it is rededicated, i can go inside it starting tomorrow. this temple is so gorgeous and i seriously love it with all my heart.
listening to: taylor swift-back to december.
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