It's so crazy to think that I'm almost to 300 days... 300 days in Hawaii. It's gone by super fast.
Okay. So this week was pretty saweet/awesome/rad/crazy.
I was really busy with school and work and everything. On top of that, my dad was visiting me from his business trip from Hong Kong. So this week was filled. But super fun.
My dad came in on Wednesday and it was super fun. We went out to eat and just hung out at the beach.
Thursday was going to be this huge surf competition called the Eddie. We woke up early to go. However when we got there, it was called off because the waves weren't big enough. They have to have a 20 foot minimum, and it was not consistently 20 feet, so it was called off. All the pro surfers came in tho so they surfed anyway.
Later I went to school to hear a devotional from Elder Bednar, and then my dad picked me up again to hang out at the beach. I had my phone, camera, and video camera with me. My dad asked me if I wanted a picture with the ocean. I told him yes, so I turned my back to the ocean. Like I mentioned earlier, there were 16-20 foot waves out there. My dad took my picture, but next thing I knew, a wave had come to where I was standing and I felt like I was being pulled out to sea. I grabbed on to my dad, but I fell. In my pocket was my cell phone, and my video camera was on the sand, being swept back into the ocean. I ran up the shore, but my video camera was gone, and my cell phone was destroyed. When I first pulled it out of my pocket, it was super hot. I think the battery was fried. The combo of the salt water and sand, my phone was done for. And I was soaking wet. I sat down on the sand for a little bit and made friends with some north shore dudes. And then Bruce Irons walked by. He came out here to compete in the almost Eddie. It was awesome seeing all the pros that day.
Friday my dad picked me up from school with a new phone and video camera. It was so nice of him! Later that night we stayed at the resort and just hung out. The next day we hung out at the beach and he left that night. It was a super fun weekend and I'm glad he was able to come out.
I'm still fighting off a cold. I want to feel better already. Oh, and for my birthday in 2 weeks, I ordered some clothes which came in the mail yesterday! Happy birthday to meeeee.
listening to: the rocket summer-hold it up.
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