Aloha lovelies!
This week has been alright.
The weather hasn't been that great.
I'm losing my tan.
I bombed my history test. but so did most of the class, so I'm within the average.
This week has also been tiiiiiight.
I didn't have a valentine this year, but a 10 year old boy wished me a Happy Valentines Day. "I hope it's a really good one for you." melted my little heart.
I bought my ticket to see WICKED in NYC on March 11 at 8:00 pm :)
I went to a sushi bar and sat on a pillow while eating really really really good sushi. so legit.
I watched the movie tangled last night outdoors with some good friends.
I ate 2 acai bowls this week. it was heaven I tell you.
I worked out and feel great.
diet coke with lime on sale this week!
random kindness from strangers. makes me realize there are genuine good people in this world.
highs and lows. but the highs out number the lows so I can't complain:)
listening to: goo goo dolls-name.
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