Oh my goodness NYC was sooooo much fun! It was the perfect break from school. I left Thursday night. When I was in the airport, I got a text message from some friends telling me that a tsunami watch was happening and that we were expecting the tsunami to hit around 3:00 am. Thankfully nothing happened to Hawaii, but I feel absolutely terrible for Japan. So I lucked out in leaving that night for NYC. Thanks to all those who contacted me to see if I was okay tho!
I slept more on the plane than I thought I would, which was good news. Going to NYC was not as bad as I thought it would be! I made it there sooner than I thought and NYC is a lot more dry than I remembered. I am so use to humidity that I totally broke out and needed lotion within the first day of getting there.
We stayed in the Marriot Marquis right in Times Square. It was so fun. We checked in, and then went shopping right away. Our group later on met up for pizza and then me and two other girls saw Wicked that night. It was so good. I love everything about Wicked and it was even more magical on Broadway. Later that night we met up with the rest of our group for hot chocolate and cupcakes because it was absolutely FREEZING outside! I saw my breath every night I was in nyc. I haven’t felt cold like that in a long time. It was getting down into the 30s people. But it was a great first night.
The next day we woke up and started shopping once again. We went to a little swap meet and went to Canal Street for more shopping. We found also went to this really good doughnut place and then that night went to Stardust Diner. It was such a fun place! Everyone who works there is aspiring to be on Broadway, so they are constantly singing songs both on and off Broadway. Out waiter was so good! We also requested someone to sing Ain’t No Mountain High Enough. It was such a fun night.
Sunday was the first day of the conference. I went to a few classes and then went to a really good sandwich place for lunch. I took a nap because my jet lag had finally caught up with me. I woke up an hour later and headed for The Metropolitan museum of Art. This place is HUGE. Seriously, I could spend 2 days in there and not see everything. After we spent some time there, we went to Central Park. That was so much fun too. Later we went to this really good Thai place, and later to Serendipity 3 for frozen hot chocolate. I’m not sure how to describe it, but it was absolutely divine. So delicious! This place was based on the little restaurant they go to in the movie Serendipity, which made it that much more cute:)

Monday I went to some more classes for the conference. These classes taught us how to get like jobs and stuff and what’s going on in the world of Journalism today. After that, I hit up 5th Avenue. We shopped there for a while, and then met up with the rest of our group to eat pizza at this really good place called Grimaldis underneath the Brooklyn Bridge. It was really good! We then went and took the Staten Island Ferry. It showed us the New York Skyline and the statue of liberty. It was at night and it was so pretty lit up.
Tuesday was my last full day in NYC. I woke up early to tour Good Morning America. I was on camera for like 10 seconds. It was awesome to see the studio and be a part of that. I really wanted to finish up 5th avenue, so me and my friend hit up all the fancy stores. We went into Tiffany and Saks, where we spent so much time just looking at everything. There were like 10 stories and I loved looking at all the expensive shoes, dresses, purses, etc. It was the perfect way for me to end my trip in NYC.
Wednesday it was pouring rain, so it was the perfect day to leave. It didn’t rain on us once so we were super lucky. Coming home took FOREVER. It was the longest day. We traveled 11 hours. We left at noon from JFK and came back to Honolulu at 8:30 pm. It’s a 6 hour time difference and we were gaining time coming back, rather than losing. It also was daylight savings that Sunday, so I lost an hour of sleep while I was over there. Also, I am kind of an insomniac. Whenever I travel or go somewhere new, I can’t sleep. I always go to bed really late and wake up really early. I’ve always been this way. The entire time I was in NYC I got literally 3-5 hours of sleep every night. The night before I toured Good Morning America I got an hour and a half of sleep. Needless to say, I was absolutely EXHAUSTED when I got back to Hawaii. Good news is that my body now knows what time it is and I have been able to sleep once again. Even though it sucks that I’m tired, I would much rather stay awake and do things, rather than sleep through everything. With that being said, I loved NYC and would go back in heartbeat. This was my second time going and I already miss it. It’s so much fun and I would recommend it to anyone. I spent too much money, got a whole new wardrobe, and learned a lot of cool things. I can't wait to go back. But I am happy to be back in Hawaii:)
listening to: jay z feat alicia keys-empire state of mind.
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