Looking back on this semester, it's been a good one, but I'm glad to see it come to an end. I am ready for it to be over with, but this one really was full of good times too. I will definitely never forget Winter 2011.
School was not super hard, but I was pretty busy. I didn't have a lot of tests, but I did write a lot of papers. And I'm not even taking an English class this semester.
The last week of the semester is always kind of emotional for me. I'm saying goodbye to a lot of people this week. Some I will see later this fall, while others I won't see for who knows when. Change is scary, but change is good. I'm actually really looking forward to Spring.
This week I have:
Monday- Research Paper
Tuesday- Presentation
Thursday- Final Paper, Final.
Friday- Final, Final.
Good luck to me. But after that I'm DONEZO and my family will be here. Have a great week everybody.

listening to: keane-everybody's changing.
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