First day of school pictures!!
This is how I feel after the first day of school: asdfjkl;
I hate the first day. I always feel so lost and overwhelmed. And with it being the terms, we cram a semester into 6 weeks. So I feel even MORE overwhelmed while looking over the syllabus.
Today I had 2 classes. Religion and English. I went to my religion and it was fine, but my teacher will start a thought, then trail off, and never finish what he was saying. He then goes on to say "anyway" and continues with something else. But I like him.
I was late for my next class. When I walked in, everyone was staring at me. It was such a small class. It was super quiet, so I said, "hi" and made my way to the back. The teacher just looked at me and said, "name?" As I said my name I sat down and the teacher went on to tell me that I had to share the syllabus with someone beside me. The girl didn't really share, so I was lost the entire time we were going over things. It was probably because I was deciding in my head the entire time whether or not my professor is a man or woman. Seriously, I had no idea.
By the end of class I decided that he was a she and then we started going over dates when we would present over a reading. Most of the class had raised their hands already to call a reading, so I waited until I heard something that sounded good to me to present on. Finally I heard something and so I raised my hand like everyone else had, and my teacher was like "yes?" And I said "oh, I was just raising my hand because I want to present on that reading." The teacher went on to say "Don't show me your bubble!" I was like "what?" "Your gum. You shouldn't be blowing bubbles. And you shouldn't be chewing gum in class anyway. But I'll put you down for that presentation." Everyone looked at me and I was just in shock. Yes, I was chewing gum, but I was not blowing bubbles in class, especially not while talking to my teacher. Thank goodness our class got out early and I left for the library to look for a new class to add. It was there that I found out that my teacher is indeed a he, rather than a she. He has a very thick asian accent that I had trouble understanding, and along with a $200 book required for the class, I decided to drop it.
So I came home, vented to my mom, and took some pictures of myself to show everyone that I made it through the first day! Anyway, I was just taking that class because I love to read and just wanted to take a literature class for fun. Anyway, I now only have classes MTWT which means NO FRIDAY CLASSES! 3 day weekend every weekend for the next 6 weeks. Tomorrow will be my last first day of the term, so hopefully it goes better than today did. Not that today was that bad, but I'm glad the first day of school is over. It's just a pain for me.
listening to: the beatles- across the universe.
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