Hi everyone!
I'm back on the mainland and what a week has been so far...
My very last day in Hawaii I seriously spent the whole day at the beach. And I have a gnarly tan line that I am STILL trying to get rid of.
My red eye... ugh. I swear half my school was on my flight. Which was cool because I had some friends, but others were just soooo annoying! Seriously people. The guy to my left, kept his light on the ENTIRE flight. Annoying. The people next to me were like a couple in their 40s and were just being annoying. I can't describe it. I think I was just irritable. Anyway, they were annoying. And then the people in front of me... ANNOYING. I had been people watching them at the gate so I knew when I sat down I would be annoyed. This girl was totally into this guy, but he wasn't so much into her. It was so obvious. But she tried her hardest to get his attention (can you really not tell when a guy isn't into you? seriously.) She kept talking to him but he kept responding like "uh huh, yeah." He was actually super nice to her. Anyway, she was in front of me while we were boarding and took the seat right in front of me. I sat down next, so I got to see his expression when he came to find his seat was right next to hers. It was priceless btw. So I got to watch her efforts at flirting continue for another 6 hours. yay. You know the arm rest between the seats? She kept it up. When the plane started to take off, he put it down. The last thing I heard from her was "now don't be surprised if I sleep on your shoulder tonight!" She talked really loud. And she did in fact, sleep on his shoulder. Poor guy. He was probably more annoyed than I was.
A 4 hour time difference isn't easy to get adjusted to. Especially if you have been living it since September.
Laser hair removal. Beauty is pain. Let's leave it at that.
I got a haircut. And my hair is a lot shorter than I'm use to styling.
I have season one of Modern Family :) so happy.
I finished my first summer book: Mitch Albom- The Five People You Meet in Heaven. I liked the idea of it and it made me think of the five people I would meet in Heaven.
I won tickets to SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE! I am so so so SO stoked! I'm flying out to CA Wednesday morning for the show that night. I cannot wait. Look for me in the audience!
okay, I think that's it. Hopefully this isn't too hard to follow. socal this week!!! which means beach time is coming a lot sooner than I thought. yes:)
listening to: Death Cab for Cutie- You Are A Tourist.
i love it :) im actually getting electrolysis hair removal. do u like laser?
yeah the laser is great. it hurt a little because I had sun exposure. but as long as the hair is gone, i'm happy:)
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