Sunday, January 29, 2012

Day 550: Instagram.

Four things:

1. I officially signed up for instagram... shame. I didn't want to get on the bandwagon, but it just sort of happened. I'm hoping it will help me take more pictures. I'm sooooo lame at taking pictures. I have absolutely nothing to show for this week. I really want my next post be a post of all the things I did this coming up week, but shown through pictures. We will see how that turns out (I try and be artsy all the time with my pictures but it never works out.)

2. I've decided that people are crazy... and so am I. It makes life interesting.

3. I still have terrible luck... what is wrong with me lately? Send good vibes my way.

4. This week starts off BIRTHDAY WEEK! So stoked. Wednesday will be the day I get my luck back. I just know it.

listening to: Get Cool- Shawty Got Moves.