This week, I had a fun little photo shoot with some people from work. It was a lot of fun, and I'm excited to do more photo shoots in the future.
“Two things can happen to a person who lives on an island. Either the shores confine them or the infinite horizon releases them.”
I can totally relate to this quote. I know both kinds of people. There are some people who never go to the beach and feel constricted on the island. I've had the conversation where they would say, "Isn't it weird how we are in the middle of the Pacific? We are entirely surrounded by water!"
For me, I have always loved water. I would get an outdoor pool pass every summer and spend hours and hours swimming and going to water parks my entire childhood. I'm really not afraid or confined by it. I embrace it. For me, I love staring as far out as I can into the ocean, where the solid blue line of water and sky meet. Whatever I feel stressed or worried about, I think about and send it way out there, so I can no longer see it. It's my own weird way of meditation. It's my way to release my insecurities, and find my inner peace. The infinite horizon definitely releases me, and I know it always will.
listening to: Foster The People- Helena Beat.
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