work. world cup. cafe rio meet ups. concerts. obnoxious neighbors. inception. rexburg, idaho. dallas/fort worth, texas. HEAT.
july has been HOT. smokin HOT. I cannot sleep without my window open. I just can't. So every night, I open my window. It just happens that the neighbors next door not only own one dog, but FIVE. That's right, FIVE dogs. not only do they wake me up every morning, but they also scream at the dogs "Ryker!!! Be quiet." Like that's going to help. The dogs keep barking. And sometimes, they howl at night. asdjklf; is the only thing that comes to mind. But a Christmas miracle happened this weekend. The neighbors and their 5 dogs have MOVED. Which means, AUGUST is going to be an even better month. happiness is in my soul.
work. work has been going great this summer. i really like what i'm doing, and who i am working with. it's great. at the beginning of july was the world cup. we would turn on the the tv and follow it at work. it was so fun watching and i can't wait for the next world cup.
neon trees is my new favorite band. they are from provo utah and did a concert in the middle of the month. i've gotta say, the opening acts SUCKED. like, really sucked. but when neon trees came on, it was all worth it. it was super hot in the building because it's a small place, but watching the concert was so fun. they are great performers and i'm so glad that i have discovered them.
one of my friends i went to school with from Hawaii came over for the weekend and we met up at cafe rio which is one of my favorite places to eat. We were there for hours just catching up and laughing. It was great to see her again and it's great to see old friends again.
rexburg idaho. i went up there one weekend to see some of my best friends. 2 of them graduated this last semester, and another is about 2 years away from graduating. it was so awesome seeing all of them again!! i met up with 2 for a little bit, and spent the night with my other friend. we ate, watched movies, and just talked for hours about our lives, the past, and just everything. it was so good to see them, and i hope that i can keep in touch with them.
inception. go see inception!!! ah. when I saw a preview for it, i didn't care to see it. then i started hearing over and over that it was like, super good, so i caved and saw it. OMG. I still THINK about it EVERYDAY!!!! ah. I really want to see it again. it's super good. go go go see inception. it will not disappoint. love love love that movie!!!!!
texas. my mom and I went down to texas this last week to visit her side of the family. the weather was actually okay. it was warm, but it wasn't super hot like we expected it to be. we stayed with my grandma and saw my cousins, aunt, uncle, and ate really good mexican food. i went to dallas and bought a purse, and i came home with some more clothes, a wallet, jewelry, and some old pictures. i'm not sure when the next time i'll be able to go back because i'm always in school, so I'm so glad I was able to see my family this summer.
well that's my july. sorry no pictures this time, i haven't pulled out my camera in quite a while. next month i'll be back in hawaii!! crazy!!
listening to: neon trees- animal.
this post made me laugh. especially the part about your neighbors dogs. :) hope everything is going great for you right now!!!!
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