Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day 285: Thunderstorms and Sunshine.

This week was full of thunderstorms and sunshine.

It was POURING rain the first 2 days this week. Like, nonstop rain. The streets were flooding and the power went out a few times. It was kind of freaky. There were puddles everywhere on our way to class the next morning and the fields were super swampy. I wore shoes instead of flip flops.

As the week went on, it started to warm up. I had two really nice beach days. I had an acai bowl and hung out with some good friends. I watched the movie “True Grit” which I actually enjoyed.

For my peacebuilding class, I had to go to two 4 hour workshops. They were long, but some parts were pretty cool.

I have to give a talk in church 2 Sundays from now. I haven't given a talk in church since 2005. This should be good....

Guilty pleasure of the week: The Bachelor. Like it always is this time of year. BUT. My friend pointed out this website to me called The Mormon Bachelor. It's so Mormon which makes it hilarious. No joke. It's a bunch of girls who got bored and put it together. It's strangely addictive. And guess what. They did The Mormon Bachelorette, and she actually got ENGAGED. We facebook stalked her and everything. It's legit. Check it out if you want a good laugh:

Also, my BIRTHDAY is in 3 weeks from today:) just thought you should know.

listening to: the starting line: island.


Jessica Smith said...

peacebuilding class? haha