Did anyone else wish they were at Westminster Abbey this last Friday?? I was definitely getting in touch with my British roots all week long while secretly wishing to eat crumpets and have a tea party.
Kate looked gorgeous. And Prince William was looking fiiiine.
Maybe I will make it out there for the next one : )
I bought Britney Spears new album Femme Fatale... LOVE IT btw.
I watched Goodbye, Michael and may or may not have felt extremely sad after watching it. The Office will just not be the same.
I had an extremely embarrassing moment this week, so I bought myself a new pair of shorts to make myself feel better. And guess what.... it really did help me feel better!
Isn’t it fun when you have a really, really good friend, who you are already close with, but then you have this deep convo and you become even closer? You connect on an entirely different level and it’s at this moment that you know you really are BFFs. Love it.
Oh, and today is May. Only one more month left…. mixed emotions for sure.
listening to: Lee Dewyze and Crystal Bowersox- Falling Slowly.
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