Sunday, July 8, 2012

Day 706: 4th of July.

Holidays in Hawaii have a different feeling than they do on the mainland. But it's okay because I feel like Hawaii is not real life ha. This is my first fourth not at home, but it was still fun. I went to the beach, watched the fireworks at a nearby resort, got hot chocolate because it started raining and I was cold (so weird getting hot chocolate for the fourth ha) went to a friends BBQ, while playing with pop its and setting off our own fireworks. Overall, a good fourth of July day.

This weekend, one of my friends invited me over for a girls night. Now I've always been hesitant towards these types of parties. I'm the type of girl who likes having 2 or 3 good girl friends and having the rest of my friends be guys. I'm just not a fan of girls. However, I decided to go. And it was exactly what I was afraid it would be. I walked in to a huge 15 girl slumber party. There was junk food everywhere, girls were flipping through to read quizzes in Seventeen Magazine, painting nails, and playing MASH. Now I have done all these things, but when I was like 13. I tried to be a good sport, but did not feel comfortable until I was outside, headed back to my house. It just proved my point that I've always known about myself. Hands down, I would rather hang out with my neighbor, who is a guy friend, shooting BB guns at soda cans off the garbage can, than hanging out with a bunch of girls saying, "Boys are stupid, throw rocks at them" ANY DAY. I left that phase of life in Jr. High. Just sayin.

listening to: Coldplay- Warning Sign.


Unknown said...

I just discovered your blog and I LOVE it! Want to know why?
1. I am insanely jealous of your life on an island, as I read your blog from Rexburg, Idaho.

2. It makes me realize all over again how much we are alike and I miss you!

Lindsay Brooke. said...

Thanks Christie! We really are so much alike, that's why we are best friends! ha. Miss you!