Sunday, August 28, 2011

How I incorporated Clueless into my life.

Okay so one of my favorite movies growing up and continues to be a favorite, is Clueless. I just LOVE that movie.

Anyway, there is this part in the movie where the main character Cher and her friend Tai are working out. They stop and go on to say that they are going to work out, read a non school book, and do something good for humanity to become well rounded people in society. I've always tried to take this into consideration growing up.

1. Working out. Ever since my dance class let out a few weeks ago, I have found it important to continue doing something active each day. Along with staying active, I've also decided to drink more water. Let me tell you something: There is such a thing as being too hydrated! Let me explain.

I was on such a kick my first official week of doing this. I started carrying around a water bottle that was roughly around 32 ounces and ended up drinking 3 bottles within 2 hours. I had, give or take, around 96 ounces of water inside me and decided to work out for the next hour. Into the first half hour, I started feeling really sick, so I stopped. I thought a shower would make me feel better, but once I got in I felt like I was going to faint. I made it to the toilet just in time to watch myself throw up nothing but the water I had put inside me those last 2 hours. I felt like a fountain. Yes, it's super important to stay hydrated, but don't overdo it like I did. This is something I will not do again.

2. Reading a non school book each week. I love to read. I always read growing up and I plan on reading the rest of my life (yes, I have a library card.) This summer I have managed to read a new book each week or two since I've been home. I finally got around to The Hunger Games series (which I've been wanting to read for forever now, but never really had the time) and I just bought The Help yesterday. I've read around 10 books already this summer!

3. Do something good for Humanity. Cher: "I want to do something for humanity." Josh: "How about sterilization?" How I love this movie. I'm still figuring out what I want to do for this one (does recycling count? haha) But seriously, I'm working on it.

Anyway, I recommend working out and reading as often as you can. You feel so much better and I find myself more productive. Also, getting involved in the community is great too. And this is just one of the ways how I've incorporated Clueless into my life.

listening to: James Blunt- Stay The Night.


Emily said...

Hahaha, that's a funny movie. Well, you know, I understand being too hydrated, though I've never thrown up.
Find something you're good at, and that will be good for humanity. Watch "A Man Named Pearl." It will help you realize you can do something!

Lindsay Brooke. said...

Awesome advice! I'll have to look into that movie. Thank you!